Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 2-Thing 3

This is a little unnerving for someone who is a bit of a private person to publish my own thoughts on a blog! One of my goals in life has been to "keep my name out of the paper," so I'm not entirely comfortable here.

Anyway, I guess it's a good thing that CSLA is encouraging us to stretch, learn and grow, even if it hurts a little.

Got the Avatar up and running. Whew. I'm glad I could include my cat. It feels good to have a little company.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Welcome to School Library Learning 2.0 -- we love your avatar and your cat! Enjoy your 2.0 journey.

Glad to hear you liked the Chocolate Tech Affaire workshop. It is good AT&T has both Education and Library Advocates!

Best wishes.

IrmaPince said...

Hola bibliotecaria,
Glad you are onboard. I will not be monitoring your blog per se as you don't fall within my assigned letters, however, you do know my DJUSD email address and phone number. :-)
Note the private person that I am - there is no picture on my blog!