Monday, June 25, 2007

Week 3-Thing 6 again

Five of the six pictures on the revolving cube below are of the table decorations classes did to celebrate this year's primary level CYRM, as I mentioned in a previous post. In case you didn't notice, you can click on the cube to stop the action and look at a single photo, or you can actually make it a slide show. This is a fun way to display pictures. I have a feeling kids would love it.


IrmaPince said...

I must admit that the primary CYRM books make me nostalgic - I miss the picture books. I can look at them in bookstores and libraries, but it isn't the same as sharing them with the kids.

I think students would love to make slide show cubes. I wonder how that would work for the biography cube project. Hmmmm.

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Love the cube!

napareader said...

Your cub looks great! I can see how kids would love to make their own book related cubes.

Word said...

The cube was very cool, but I mostly loved hearing about your CYRM tradition. This is the kind of sharing of ideas that I'm hoping to find as I look around at everyones blogs. Thanks.

Dana Stemig said...

I love your idea of making the decorations to go with the CYRM books. I also love how you put it into a cube. I'll have to figure out how to do that. I really enjoy learning about what others are doing.

Becca said...

What a great mashup of stuff you're already doing (cyrm) with our new 2.0 tools! VERY cool photo cube.