Thursday, July 5, 2007

Week 4-Thing 8

RSS-ing!I've been away for awhile, so it's good to get back and move forward. I signed up for 5 feeds, and this is pretty exciting. I chose to share one item from "Library Thing." Check on "Shared Item" in the upper left corner of the blog. It made me laugh because I have TOO many cookbooks. The irony is that I hardly ever cook. If I do, I generally search for a recipe online. Yet I cannot part with those cookbooks. Sigh...

I'm going to have to live with RSS for a day or two and see what I think. Setting up is one thing; keeping up is another. I'm not a huge web surfer, so this is actually going to expand my horizons rather than narrow them.

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

How funny! My stash of cook books are hidden high up in a kitchen cabinet, behind some unused flower vases... what a great item to share. Thanks for the Friday morning chuckle.